Viquinotícies:La cantina/2016
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Siusplau, No editeu aquesta pàgina! Aquesta pàgina conté informació arxivada de la cantina que s'ha guardat com a referències històriques de Viquinotícies. Si voleu discutir d'algun dels temes que aquí s'exposen, siusplau feu-ho a la cantina. |
Wikimania 2016 Scholarships - Deadline soon!
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A reminder - applications for scholarships for Wikimania 2016 in Esino Lario, Italy, are closing soon! Please get your applications in by January 9th. To apply, visit the page below:
Patrick Earley (WMF) via MediaWiki message delivery (discussió) 02:49, 5 gen 2016 (CET)
2016 WMF Strategy consultation
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Hello, all.
The Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) has launched a consultation to help create and prioritize WMF strategy beginning July 2016 and for the 12 to 24 months thereafter. This consultation will be open, on Meta, from 18 January to 26 February, after which the Foundation will also use these ideas to help inform its Annual Plan. (More on our timeline can be found on that Meta page.)
Your input is welcome (and greatly desired) at the Meta discussion, 2016 Strategy/Community consultation.
Apologies for English, where this is posted on a non-English project. We thought it was more important to get the consultation translated as much as possible, and good headway has been made there in some languages. There is still much to do, however! We created m:2016 Strategy/Translations to try to help coordinate what needs translation and what progress is being made. :)
If you have questions, please reach out to me on my talk page or on the strategy consultation's talk page or by email to
I hope you'll join us! Maggie Dennis via MediaWiki message delivery (discussió) 20:06, 18 gen 2016 (CET)
IMPORTANT: Revisió de l'activitat dels administradors
modificaHola. Gràcies a un consens global de la comunitat, el 2013 es va aprovar una política respecte a la retirada dels "permisos avançats" (administrador, buròcrata, etc.). Segons aquesta política, els stewards estan revisant l'activitat dels administradors en tots els projectes de la Fundació Wikimedia sense política d'inactivitat. Fins on podem saber, aquest projecte no té un procés formal per tal de retirar els "permisos avançats" dels comptes inactius. Això vol dir que els stewards se n'encarregaran d'acord amb la política de revisió d'activitat dels administradors.
Hem determinat que els següents usuaris compleixen els criteris d'inactivitat (cap edició ni acció registrada durant més de dos anys):
- last edit: 2014-01-02
- last log action: 2014-01-02
Aquests usuaris rebran aviat una notificació, on se'ls plantejarà que iniciïn una discussió a la comunitat si volen conservar una part o la totalitat dels seus permisos. Si els usuaris no responen, llavors els seus privilegis avançats els seran retirats per part dels stewards.
Tanmateix, si vosaltres com a comunitat voleu crear el vostre propi procés de revisió d'activitat per sobre del procés global, voleu prendre una altra decisió sobre els usuaris inactius, o bé ja teniu una política que hem passat per alt, si us plau notifiqueu els stewards a Meta-Wiki perquè sapiguem que no hem de procedir amb la revisió dels permisos a la vostra wiki. Gràcies, --MarcoAurelio (discussió) 15:23, 26 feb 2016 (CET)
- Jo estic disposat a renunciar-hi. No tinc gaire interès en ser administrador a Viquinotícies. --SMP (discussió) 20:32, 16 març 2016 (CET)
- @SMP: La renúncia s'ha de presentar en aquesta pàgina. De totes formes en uns dies et retiraran els permisos automàticament. Una llàstima que no segueixis amb nosaltres, moltes gràcies per tota la feina que has fet durant aquests anys.--Syum90 (discussió) 09:36, 18 març 2016 (CET)
- Fet. Gràcies. --MarcoAurelio (discussió) 23:52, 31 març 2016 (CEST)
- @SMP: La renúncia s'ha de presentar en aquesta pàgina. De totes formes en uns dies et retiraran els permisos automàticament. Una llàstima que no segueixis amb nosaltres, moltes gràcies per tota la feina que has fet durant aquests anys.--Syum90 (discussió) 09:36, 18 març 2016 (CET)
VisualEditor News #1—2016
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Did you know?
Among experienced editors, the visual editor's table editing is one of the most popular features.
If you select the top of a column or the end of a row, you can quickly insert and remove columns and rows.
Now, you can also rearrange columns and rows. Click "Move before" or "Move after" to swap the column or row with its neighbor.
You can read and help translate the user guide, which has more information about how to use the visual editor.Since the last newsletter, the VisualEditor Team has fixed many bugs. Their workboard is available in Phabricator. Their current priorities are improving support for Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Indic, and Han scripts, and improving the single edit tab interface.
Recent changes
modificaYou can switch from the wikitext editor to the visual editor after you start editing. This function is available to nearly all editors at most wikis except the Wiktionaries and Wikisources.
Many local feedback pages for the visual editor have been redirected to mw:VisualEditor/Feedback.
You can now re-arrange columns and rows in tables, as well as copying a row, column or any other selection of cells and pasting it in a new location.
The formula editor has two options: you can choose "Quick edit" to see and change only the LaTeX code, or "Edit" to use the full tool. The full tool offers immediate preview and an extensive list of symbols.
Future changes
modificaThe single edit tab project will combine the "Modifica" and "Modifica el codi" tabs into a single "Modifica" tab. This is similar to the system already used on the mobile website. (T102398) Initially, the "Modifica" tab will open whichever editing environment you used last time. Your last editing choice will be stored as an account preference for logged-in editors, and as a cookie for logged-out users. Logged-in editors will have these options in the Caixa d'edició tab of Special:Preferences:
- Recorda el meu darrer editor,
- Sempre fes servir l’editor visual si és possible,
- Fes servir sempre l’editor de codi, and
- Mostra’m les dues opcions d’editor. (This is the state for people using the visual editor now.)
The visual editor uses the same search engine as Special:Search to find links and files. This search will get better at detecting typos and spelling mistakes soon. These improvements to search will appear in the visual editor as well.
The visual editor will be offered to all editors at most "Phase 6" Wikipedias during the next few months. This will affect the following languages, amongst others: Japanese, Korean, Urdu, Persian, Arabic, Tamil, Marathi, Malayalam, Hindi, Bengali, Assamese, Thai, Aramaic.
Let's work together
modifica- Please try out the newest version of the single edit tab on You may need to restore the default preferences (at the bottom of test2wiki:Special:Preferences) to see the initial prompt for options. Were you able to find a preference setting that will work for your own editing? Did you see the large preferences dialog box when you started editing an article there?
- Can you read and type in Korean, Arabic, Japanese, Indic, or Han scripts? Does typing in these languages feels natural in the visual editor? Language engineer David Chan needs to know. Please see the instructions at mw:VisualEditor/IME Testing#What to test if you can help. Please post your comments and the language(s) that you tested at the feedback thread on
- Learn how to improve the "automagical" citoid referencing system in the visual editor, by creating Zotero translators for popular sources in your language! Join the Tech Talk about "Automated citations in Wikipedia: Citoid and the technology behind it" with Sebastian Karcher on 29 February 2016.
If you aren't reading this in your favorite language, then please help us with translations! Subscribe to the Translators mailing list or contact us directly, so that we can notify you when the next issue is ready. Gràcies!
Proposo que donem l'estatut de bot a BetaBot que està fent la coordinació entre el nostre project i les enllaços interviquis a Viquidata. Si esteu d'acord, li atorgaré els drets corresponents.-- Bertrand GRONDIN → (escriure) 17:01, 20 març 2016 (CET)
- The task of my bot is to remove old language links in source of the page, because the language links are now managed centrally in Wikidata. The bot use a script from pywikibot. I made some edit for test and example. (sorry for write this post in English) --Beta16 (discussió) 11:23, 22 març 2016 (CET)
- Suport Cap problema.--Syum90 (discussió) 13:50, 29 març 2016 (CEST)
S'han atorgat els drets corresponents.-- Bertrand GRONDIN → (escriure) 17:38, 29 març 2016 (CEST)
Open Call for Individual Engagement Grants
modificaSi us plau, ajudeu a traduir-ho al vostre idioma:
Greetings! The Individual Engagement Grants (IEG) program is accepting proposals until April 12th to fund new tools, research, outreach efforts, and other experiments that enhance the work of Wikimedia volunteers. Whether you need a small or large amount of funds (up to $30,000 USD), IEGs can support you and your team’s project development time in addition to project expenses such as materials, travel, and rental space.
- Submit a grant request or draft your proposal in IdeaLab
- Get help with your proposal in an upcoming Hangout session
- Learn from examples of completed Individual Engagement Grants
With thanks, I JethroBT (WMF) 17:47, 31 març 2016 (CEST)
Sense edicions dues vegades aquesta setmana
modificaLa Wikimedia Foundation posarà a prova el seu nou centre de dades a Dallas. Això permetrà a Wikipedia i altres wikis de Wikimedia a romandre en línia, fins i tot després d'un desastre. Per assegurar que tot està funcionant, el departament de Tecnologia de Wikimedia necessita dur a terme una prova programada. Aquesta prova mostrarà si es pot passar amb seguretat d'un centre de dades a un altre. Caldrà que molts equips estiguin preparats per realitzar la prova i hauran d'estar disponibles per a solucionar qualsevol problema inesperat.
Ells canviaran tot el trànsit al nou centre de dades a el dimarts, 19 d'abril.
El dijous, 21 d'abril, el tràfic canviarà de nou al centre de dades principal.
Malauradament, degut a limitacions de MediaWiki cal limitar la possibilitat d'editar durant aquests dos canvis. Demanem disculpes per aquesta interrupció. Estem treballant per a reduir l'impacte de noves interrupcions en el futur.
Podreu llegir, però no editar, tots els wikis durant una estona.
- No podreu editar durant uns 15 o 30 minuts el dimarts 19 d'abril i el dijous 21 d'abril, a partir de les 14:00 UTC (16:00 CEST, 10:00 EDT, 07:00 PDT).
- Si intenteu editar o desar canvis durant aquestes interrupcions, veureu un missatge d'error. Esperem que no es perdi cap edició durant aquests minuts, però no podem garantir-ho. Si veieu el missatge d'error, espereu fins que tot torni a funcionar. Llavors hauríeu de poder desar la vostra edició. Tot i així, us recomanem que primer feu una còpia dels vostres canvis, per si un cas.
Altres efectes:
- Els treballs automàtics de rerefons aniran més lents, i alguns poden ser aturats. Potser els enllaços vermells no s'actualitzen tan ràpidament com és habitual. Si creeu un article que ja ha estat enllaçat en algun altre lloc, l'enllaç pot mantenir-se en vermell més estona que habitualment. Alguns scripts de llarga durada hauran de ser aturats.
- Durant la setmana del 18 d'abril no s'admetrà nou codi en els servidors (code freeze). Serà admesa la integració de canvis de codi essencials.
Aquesta prova va ser inicialment planejada per al 22 de març. Les noves dates són el 19 i el 21 d'abril. Podeu consultar les dates a Qualsevol canvi serà publicat en aquella pàgina. Hi haurà més notificacions sobre aquesta interrupció. Si us plau, difongueu aquesta informació a la vostra comunitat. /Johan (WMF) (discussió) 23:18, 17 abr 2016 (CEST)
Possible derogació de la política Viquinotícies:Polítiques de la Viquipèdia
modificaLa discussió es troba a Viquinotícies Discussió:Polítiques de la Viquipèdia.--Syum90 (discussió) 15:09, 28 abr 2016 (CEST)
Possible sortida de la política d'aprovació automàtica de bots
modificaLa discussió es troba a Viquinotícies Discussió:Bots.--Syum90 (discussió) 15:34, 28 abr 2016 (CEST)
- Ja s'ha iniciat la votació a Viquinotícies:Presa de decisions/2016/Política d'aprovació automàtica de bots.--Syum90 (discussió) 18:30, 12 maig 2016 (CEST)
Usuaris confirmats
modificaCompanys, al meu entendre no hauria de ser necessari avisar un steward per atorgar o retirar aquest permís, ja que òbviament la necessitat de concessió d'aquest permís és sempre una qüestió de temps, el qual hauríem de perdre en cercar un steward. Proposo per tant que el permís d'usuari confirmat pugui ser atorgat i/o retirat per qualsevol administrador local de Viquinotícies.--Syum90 (discussió) 19:58, 2 juny 2016 (CEST)
- En uns dies demanaré la modificació a phabricator si no hi ha comentaris.--Syum90 (discussió) 12:27, 13 juny 2016 (CEST)
- Modificació demanada.--Syum90 (discussió) 11:30, 17 juny 2016 (CEST)
- Estic d'acord amb tu.-- Bertrand GRONDIN → (escriure) 11:54, 17 juny 2016 (CEST)
- Modificació demanada.--Syum90 (discussió) 11:30, 17 juny 2016 (CEST)
Compact Language Links enabled in this wiki today
modificaSi us plau, ajudeu a traduir-ho al vostre idioma
Compact Language Links has been available as a beta-feature on all Wikimedia wikis since 2014. With compact language links enabled, users are shown a much shorter list of languages on the interlanguage link section of an article (see image). Based on several factors, this shorter list of languages is expected to be more relevant for them and valuable for finding similar content in a language known to them. More information about compact language links can be found in the documentation.
From today onwards, compact language links has been enabled as the default listing of interlanguage links on this wiki. Using the button at the bottom, you will be able to see a longer list of all the languages the article has been written in. The setting for this compact list can be changed by using the checkbox under User Preferences -> Appearance -> Languages
The compact language links feature has been tested extensively by the Wikimedia Language team, which developed it. However, in case there are any problems or other feedback please let us know on the project talk page or on this discussion thread. It is to be noted that on some wikis the presence of an existing older gadget that was used for a similar purpose may cause an interference for compact language list. We would like to bring this to the attention of the admins of this wiki. Full details are on this phabricator ticket (in English).
Due to the large scale enablement of this feature, we have had to use MassMessage for this announcement and as a result it is only written in English. We will really appreciate if this message can be translated for other users of this wiki. Thank you. On behalf of the Wikimedia Language team: Runa Bhattacharjee (WMF) (talk) 09:04, 24 juny 2016 (CEST)
Editing News #2—2016
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It's quick and easy to insert a references list.
Place the cursor where you want to display the references list (usually at the bottom of the page). Open the "Insereix" menu and click the "Llista de referències" icon (three books).
If you are using several groups of references, which is relatively rare, you will have the opportunity to specify the group. If you do that, then only the references that belong to the specified group will be displayed in this list of references. Finally, click "Insereix" in the dialog to insert the Llista de referències. This list will change as you add more footnotes to the page.
You can read and help translate the user guide, which has more information about how to use the visual editor.Since the last newsletter, the VisualEditor Team has fixed many bugs. Their workboard is available in Phabricator. Their current priorities are improving support for Arabic and Indic scripts, and adapting the visual editor to the needs of the Wikivoyages and Wikisources.
Recent changes
modificaThe visual editor is now available to all users at most Wikivoyages. It was also enabled for all contributors at the French Wikinews.
The single edit tab feature combines the "Modifica" and "Modifica el codi" tabs into a single "Modifica" tab. It has been deployed to several Wikipedias, including Hungarian, Polish, English and Japanese Wikipedias, as well as to all Wikivoyages. At these wikis, you can change your settings for this feature in the "Caixa d'edició" tab of Special:Preferences. The team is now reviewing the feedback and considering ways to improve the design before rolling it out to more people.
Future changes
modificaThe "Publica la pàgina" button will say "Publica la pàgina". This will affect both the visual and wikitext editing systems. More information is available on Meta.
The visual editor will be offered to all editors at the remaining "Phase 6" Wikipedias during the next few months. The developers want to know whether typing in your language feels natural in the visual editor. Please post your comments and the language(s) that you tested at the feedback thread on This will affect several languages, including: Arabic, Hindi, Thai, Tamil, Marathi, Malayalam, Urdu, Persian, Bengali, Assamese, Aramaic and others.
The team is working with the volunteer developers who power Wikisource to provide the visual editor there, for opt-in testing right now and eventually for all users. (T138966)
The team is working on a modern wikitext editor. It will look like the visual editor, and be able to use the citoid service and other modern tools. This new editing system may become available as a Beta Feature on desktop devices around September 2016. You can read about this project in a general status update on the Wikimedia mailing list.
Let's work together
modifica- Do you teach new editors how to use the visual editor? Did you help set up the Citoid automatic reference feature for your wiki? Have you written or imported TemplateData for your most important citation templates? Would you be willing to help new editors and small communities with the visual editor? Please sign up for the new VisualEditor Community Taskforce.
- Learn how to improve the "automagical" citoid referencing system in the visual editor, by creating Zotero translators for popular sources in your language! Watch the Tech Talk by Sebastian Karcher for more information.
If you aren't reading this in your preferred language, then please help us with translations! Subscribe to the Translators mailing list or contact us directly, so that we can notify you when the next issue is ready. Gràcies!
Convocatòria de sol·licituds de Subvencions per a Projecte
modificaSalutacions! El Programa de Subvencions per a Projectes està rebent propostes de l'1 de juliol fins al 2 d'agost per finançar noves eines, difusió (incloent sèries d'editatons, tallers, etc.), organització d'events en línia (incloent concursos) i altres experiments que millorin el treball dels voluntaris Wikimedia. Sense importar si necessites una quantitat petita o gran de fons, les subvencions per a projectes et poden ajudar a tu i al teu equip a finançar el temps de desenvolupament del projecte i altres despeses com materials, viatges i lloguer d'espai.
- Presentar una sol·licitud de subvenció o crear un esborrany de la teva proposta en IdeaLab.
- Obtenir ajuda amb la teva proposta en una de les properes sessions Hangout.
- Aprendre dels exemples de les Subvencions de compromís individual o Subvencions per a projectes i events completades anteriorment.
També estem acceptant candidats per a unir-se al Comitè de Subvencions per a Projectes fins al 15 de juliol.
Moltes gràcies, I JethroBT (WMF) (discussió) 04:28, 13 jul 2016 (CEST)
modificaThe Editing team is planning to change the name of the “Publica la pàgina” button to “Publica la pàgina” and “Publica els canvis”. “Publica la pàgina” will be used when you create a new page. “Publica els canvis” will be used when you change an existing page. The names will be consistent in all editing environments.[1][2]
This change will probably happen during the week of 30 August 2016. The change will be announced in Tech News when it happens.
If you are fluent in a language other than English, please check the status of translations at for “Publica la pàgina” and “Publica els canvis”.
The main reason for this change is to avoid confusion for new editors. Repeated user research studies with new editors have shown that some new editors believed that “Publica la pàgina” would save a private copy of a new page in their accounts, rather than permanently publishing their changes on the web. It is important for this part of the user interface to be clear, since it is difficult to remove public information after it is published. We believe that the confusion caused by the “Publica la pàgina” button increases the workload for experienced editors, who have to clean up the information that people unintentionally disclose, and report it to the functionaries and stewards to suppress it. Clarifying what the button does will reduce this problem.
Beyond that, the goal is to make all the wikis and languages more consistent, and some wikis made this change many years ago. The Legal team at the Wikimedia Foundation supports this change. Making the edit interface easier to understand will make it easier to handle licensing and privacy questions that may arise.
Any help pages or other basic documentation about how to edit pages will also need to be updated, on-wiki and elsewhere. On wiki pages, you can use the wikitext codes {{int:Publishpage}}
and {{int:Publishchanges}}
to display the new labels in the user's preferred language. For the language settings in your account preferences, these wikitext codes produce “Publica la pàgina” and “Publica els canvis”.
Please share this news with community members who teach new editors and with others who may be interested.
Whatamidoing (WMF) (talk) 20:02, 9 ago 2016 (CEST)
- Si us plau, ajudeu a traduir-ho al vostre idioma
- Hello, Wikinews contributors.
- A sysop at the English Wikinews and I have been talking about this change, and we'd like to try something different. It might be confusing to start with a "Publish page" button, since the first edit to an article is not the end of the full Wikinews publishing process. So we are going to try this instead: The "Save page" button will stay the same, but MediaWiki:Copyrightwarning will have a statement added to tell inexperienced people that their contributions will immediately be shared with the general public.
- We are assuming that every Wikinews is using a similar structure for reviewing, and therefore we are going to try this at all Wikinewses. To do this, I need the statement translated for the copyright warning file right away! If you speak a Wikinews language, please check m:User:Whatamidoing (WMF)/Wikinews. It's just two sentences and should (I hope) be easy for anyone who is bilingual or multilingual. I need these translations this week, if at all possible.
- If you have any questions or if your Wikinews would prefer the "Publish page" and "Publish changes" button, then please contact me at m:User talk:Whatamidoing (WMF). Thanks, Whatamidoing (WMF) (discussió) 21:32, 24 ago 2016 (CEST)
- @Whatamidoing (WMF): Done for our language (Catalan): m:User:Whatamidoing (WMF)/Wikinews/ca. Regards.--Syum90 (discussió) 11:10, 25 ago 2016 (CEST)
- Thank you! Whatamidoing (WMF) (discussió) 16:38, 25 ago 2016 (CEST)
- @Whatamidoing (WMF): Done for our language (Catalan): m:User:Whatamidoing (WMF)/Wikinews/ca. Regards.--Syum90 (discussió) 11:10, 25 ago 2016 (CEST)
modificaGrants to improve your project
modificaSi us plau, ajudeu a traduir-ho al vostre idioma:
Greetings! The Project Grants program is currently accepting proposals for funding. There is just over a week left to submit before the October 11 deadline. If you have ideas for software, offline outreach, research, online community organizing, or other projects that enhance the work of Wikimedia volunteers, start your proposal today! Please encourage others who have great ideas to apply as well. Support is available if you want help turning your idea into a grant request.
- Submit a grant request
- Get help: In IdeaLab or an upcoming Hangout session
- Learn from examples of completed Individual Engagement Grants or Project and Event Grants
Creative Commons 4.0
modificaHello! I'm writing from the Wikimedia Foundation to invite you to give your feedback on a proposed move from CC BY-SA 3.0 to a CC BY-SA 4.0 license across all Wikimedia projects. The consultation will run from October 5 to November 8, and we hope to receive a wide range of viewpoints and opinions. Please, if you are interested, take part in the discussion on Meta-Wiki.
Apologies that this message is only in English. This message can be read and translated in more languages here. Joe Sutherland (talk) 03:35, 6 oct 2016 (CEST)
Editing News #3—2016
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Select a cell in the column or row that you want to move. Click the arrow at the start of that row or column to open the dropdown menu (shown). Choose either "Move before" or "Move after" to move the column, or "Move above" or "Move below" to move the row.
You can read and help translate the user guide, which has more information about how to use the visual editor.
Since the last newsletter, the VisualEditor Team has mainly worked on a new wikitext editor. They have also released some small features and the new map editing tool. Their workboard is available in Phabricator. You can find links to the list of work finished each week at mw:VisualEditor/Weekly triage meetings. Their current priorities are fixing bugs, releasing the 2017 wikitext editor as a beta feature, and improving language support.
Recent changes
modifica- You can now set text as small or big.[3]
- Invisible templates have been shown as a puzzle icon. Now, the name of the invisible template is displayed next to the puzzle icon.[4] A similar feature will display the first part of hidden HTML comments.[5]
- Categories are displayed at the bottom of each page. If you click on the categories, the dialog for editing categories will open.[6]
- At many wikis, you can now add maps to pages. Go to the Insert menu and choose the "Maps" item. The Discovery department is adding more features to this area, like geoshapes. You can read more at[7]
- The "Save" button now says "Save page" when you create a page, and "Save changes" when you change an existing page.[8] In the future, the "Publica la pàgina" button will say "Publica la pàgina". This will affect both the visual and wikitext editing systems. More information is available on Meta.
- Image galleries now use a visual mode for editing. You can see thumbnails of the images, add new files, remove unwanted images, rearrange the images by dragging and dropping, and add captions for each image. Use the "Options" tab to set the gallery's display mode, image sizes, and add a title for the gallery.[9]
Future changes
modificaThe visual editor will be offered to all editors at the remaining 10 "Phase 6" Wikipedias during the next month. The developers want to know whether typing in your language feels natural in the visual editor. Please post your comments and the language(s) that you tested at the feedback thread on This will affect several languages, including Thai, Burmese and Aramaic.
The team is working on a modern wikitext editor. The 2017 wikitext editor will look like the visual editor and be able to use the citoid service and other modern tools. This new editing system may become available as a Beta Feature on desktop devices in October 2016. You can read about this project in a general status update on the Wikimedia mailing list.
Let's work together
modifica- Do you teach new editors how to use the visual editor? Did you help set up the Citoid automatic reference feature for your wiki? Have you written or imported TemplateData for your most important citation templates? Would you be willing to help new editors and small communities with the visual editor? Please sign up for the new VisualEditor Community Taskforce.
- If you aren't reading this in your preferred language, then please help us with translations! Subscribe to the Translators mailing list or contact us directly, so that we can notify you when the next issue is ready. Gràcies!
19:50, 15 oct 2016 (CEST)
Password reset
modificaI apologise that this message is in English. ⧼Centralnotice-shared-help-translate⧽
We are having a problem with attackers taking over wiki accounts with privileged user rights (for example, admins, bureaucrats, oversighters, checkusers). It appears that this may be because of weak or reused passwords.
Community members are working along with members of multiple teams at the Wikimedia Foundation to address this issue.
In the meantime, we ask that everyone takes a look at the passwords they have chosen for their wiki accounts. If you know that you've chosen a weak password, or if you've chosen a password that you are using somewhere else, please change those passwords.
Select strong passwords – eight or more characters long, and containing letters, numbers, and punctuation. Joe Sutherland (discussió) / MediaWiki message delivery (discussió) 00:59, 14 nov 2016 (CET)
Adding to the above section (Password reset)
modificaPlease accept my apologies - that first line should read "Help with translations!". Joe Sutherland (WMF) (talk) / MediaWiki message delivery (discussió) 01:11, 14 nov 2016 (CET)
New way to edit wikitext
modificaSummary: There's a new opt-in Beta Feature of a wikitext mode for the visual editor. Please go try it out.
We in the Wikimedia Foundation's Editing department are responsible for making editing better for all our editors, new and experienced alike. We've been slowly improving the visual editor based on feedback, user tests, and feature requests. However, that doesn't work for all our user needs: whether you need to edit a wikitext talk page, create a template, or fix some broken reference syntax, sometimes you need to use wikitext, and many experienced editors prefer it.
Consequently, we've planned a "wikitext mode" for the visual editor for a long time. It provides as much of the visual editor's features as possible, for those times that you need or want wikitext. It has the same user interface as the visual editor, including the same toolbar across the top with the same buttons. It provides access to the citoid service for formatting citations, integrated search options for inserting images, and the ability to add new templates in a simple dialog. Like in the visual editor, if you paste in formatted text copied from another page, then formatting (such as bolding) will automatically be converted into wikitext.
All wikis now have access to this mode as a Beta Feature. When enabled, it replaces your existing wikitext editor everywhere. If you don't like it, you can reverse this at any time by turning off the Beta Feature in your preferences. We don't want to surprise anyone, so it's strictly an opt-in-only Beta Feature. It won't switch on automatically for anyone, even if you have previously checked the box to "Habilita automàticament la majoria de funcions beta".
The new wikitext edit mode is based on the visual editor, so it requires JavaScript (as does the current wikitext editor). It doesn't work with gadgets that have only been designed for the older one (and vice versa), so some users will miss gadgets they find important. We're happy to work with gadget authors to help them update their code to work with both editors. We're not planning to get rid of the current main wikitext editor on desktop in the foreseeable future. We're also not going to remove the existing ability to edit plain wikitext without JavaScript. Finally, though it should go without saying, if you prefer to continue using the current wikitext editor, then you may so do.
This is an early version, and we'd love to know what you think so we can make it better. Please leave feedback about the new mode on the feedback page. You may write comments in any language. Thank you.
James Forrester (Product Manager, Editing department, Wikimedia Foundation) --20:31, 14 des 2016 (CET)